1979 May 10 - 1979 Jul 25
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Economic policy (Domestic monetary policy) (Part 1)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2009 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 208 |
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Showing items 1 - 20 of 26
Date | Value | Title |
79 May 10 Th | Major | Monetary policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT (immediate monetary prospect) [monetary growth at top of range] [declassified 2009] |
79 May 18 Fr | Major | Monetary policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Gordon Pepper) [summary] [budget & money supply] [declassified 2008] |
79 Jun 6 We | Major | Monetary policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT (monetary prospect worsening) [need for two point interest rate increase tomorrow] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jun 6 We | Major | Monetary policy: MT meeting with Chancellor & Governor of the Bank of England (record of conversation) [2 point MLR increase] |
79 Jun 11 Mo | Major | Monetary policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT (monetary situation) [need full two point interest rate increase] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jun 11 Mo | Major | Monetary policy: No.10 letter to Treasury (monetary situation) [MT accepts full two point interest rate increase] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jun 14 Th | Major | Monetary policy: Financial Secretary minute to MT (“Gilt-edged market”) [case for issue of long-dated gilts] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jun 15 Fr | Major | Monetary policy: No.10 letter to Treasury (“Gilt-edged market”) [accepts long-dated sale, but wants early discussion of monetary policy] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jun 19 Tu | Major | Monetary policy: Note for the Record (MT meeting with John Sparrow) [City reaction to budget, sterling, corporate taxation, gilt sales] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jun 24 Su | Key | Monetary policy: MT note to Chancellor of the Exchequer (press reports possible increase in mortgage rates) [“This MUST NOT happen” - if necessary cap by subsidy] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jul 2 Mo | Major | Monetary policy: Greenwell Monetary Bulletin (“A Monetary Base for the UK - A Practical Proposal”) [case for MBC] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jul 3 Tu | Minor | Monetary policy: Treasury minute to No.10 (monetary policy seminar) [seeks clearance for arrangements] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jul 4 We | Major | Monetary policy: MT-Gordon Pepper meeting (record of conversation) [extract] [gilts, money supply, sterling] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jul 4 We | Key | Monetary policy: MT meeting with ministers (record of conversation) [mortgage rates - possible subsidy] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jul 11 We | Major | Monetary policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT (“International Currency Situation”) [anticipates dollar weakness in second half 1979] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jul 12 Th | Major | Monetary policy: Lankester briefing for meeting with Governor of Bank of England (Gordon Richardson) [interest rates, EMS, economic strategy, asset sales, ‘corset’] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jul 13 Fr | Major | Monetary policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT (“Monetary Seminar”) [encloses papers] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jul 13 Fr | Major | Monetary policy: Treasury paper for Monetary Seminar (“Monetary Base”) [with Middleton covernote] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jul 13 Fr | Major | Monetary policy: Treasury paper for Monetary Seminar (“Monetary Objectives & Prospects”) [essential role of interest rates] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jul 13 Fr | Minor | Monetary policy: Lankester note on arrangements for seminar (attendance) [MT: “I don’t want a mass meeting”] [declassified 2009] |