1979 May 4 - 1979 Jun 14
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Economic policy (Strategy) (Part 1)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2009 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 111 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/24 - download whole file (PDF, 13.41 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 17 of 17
Date | Value | Title |
79 May 4 Fr | Key | Incoming brief: Cabinet Secretary’s incoming brief for new PM (“Summary and Timetable of Urgent Economic Issues”) [declassified 2009] |
79 May 4 Fr | Key | Incoming brief: Cabinet Secretary’s incoming brief for new PM (“Pay and Cash Limits”) [declassified 2009] |
79 May 4 Fr | Major | Economy: Treasury briefing for Chancellor of the Exchequer ("Overall Economic Outlook: Note by the Central Unit") [declassified 2009] |
79 May 9 We | Major | Economy: Adam Ridley minute to MT ("Economic Strategy") [declassified 2009] |
79 May 11 Fr | Major | Economy: Hunt draft briefing for Ministers ("Pay and Cash Limits") [MT: "Discussion on this paper in Cabinet would be futile..."] [declassified 2009] |
79 May 15 Tu | Major | Economy: Pattison minute to Hoskyns (overall economic strategy) [declassified 2009] |
79 May 16 We | Major | Economy: Hunt briefing for MT ("The Way Forward on Pay (C(79) 6)") [declassified 2009] |
79 May 17 Th | Major | Economy: Hunt note for MT ("The Way Forward on Pay") [additional briefing] [declassified 2009] |
79 May 25 Fr | Major | Economy: Lankester minute to MT ("Chancellor's Paper on Pay") [MT: "This is a very poor paper..."] [declassified 2009] |
79 May 31 Th | Major | Economy: Berrill minute to MT ("Pay: A Note by the Central Policy Review Staff") [declassified 2009] |
79 May 31 Th | Major | Economy: Hunt briefing to MT ("Pay (E(79)5 and C(79)6)") [declassified 2009] |
79 May 31 Th | Major | Economy: Nott minute to MT ("Pay in the Nationalised Industries") [declassified 2009] |
79 May 31 Th | Major | Economy: Stephens minute to MT (economic strategy meeting) [declassified 2009] |
79 Jun 11 Mo | Major | Economy: Hunt briefing for MT ("Pay") [declassified 2009] |
79 Jun 12 Tu | Major | Economy: Hoskyns minute to MT ("Government Strategy") [overall government objectives] [declassified 2009] |
79 Jun 14 Th | Major | Economy: Lankester letter to Treasury (pay in government and the nationalised industries) [declassified 2009] |
79 Jun 14 Th | Major | Economy: MT personal minute to Whitelaw (economic strategy meeting) [declassified 2009] |