

Date range: 4 May 197928 Nov 1990. Document type: Press.

Showing items 1 - 50 of 722.

Text 79 May 4 Fr Press Key Commentary (Ronnie Millar memoirs) General Election: “A View From The Wings” (how MT was persuaded to use St Francis’s prayer on the steps of Downing Street)
PDF 80 Feb 12 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservatism: "The balance between individual and state" (Gilmour's Cambridge Lecture) [Hayek's annotated copy]
PDF 80 Feb 22 Fr Press Major Archive (Hayek MSS) Conservatism: Eric Heffer speech ("Tory leaders are no hypocrites, Mr Heffer says") [clash between "wets" and "dries"]
PDF 80 Feb 26 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: Leading Article "The Road to Hyper-Inflation is paved with good intentions" (Hayek's annotated copy) ["shoot-out at the Downing Street corral"]
Text 80 Mar 3 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "Monetarism: a reply to the critics" (Friedman article)
Text 80 Mar 5 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "Monetarism and hyper-inflation" (Hayek letter)
Text 80 Mar 18 Tu Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "Free market" (Hayek letter defending Friedman)
Text 80 Mar 26 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "How to deal with inflation" (Hayek article)
Text 80 Mar 29 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Budget: "Professor urges Chancellor to balance Budget now" (Hayek at IEA lunch) [wants "referendum to rescind every single [union] privilege"]
Text 80 May 7 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Steel: "Threatened revolt over steel chief collapses" (meeting between Joseph and Conservative backbench committee regarding Ian MacGregor appointment)
Text 80 May 31 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "Testing time for monetarism" (Hayek letter)
Text 80 Jun 6 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “New moves over the Falklands” (Argentine Economy Minister meets MT & other British ministers)
Text 80 Jun 13 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "A testing time for monetarism" (Hayek letter)
PDF 80 Jul 15 Tu Press Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: Defence Open Government Document 80/23 ("The Future UK Strategic Nuclear Deterrent Force") [acquiring Trident]
PDF 80 Aug 29 Fr Press Major Archive (TNA) Cold War: FCO statement ("Human Rights Trials in the Soviet Union") [need for a searching examination of Soviet implementation of Helsinki Final Act at CSCE Madrid meeting; MT annotates - 'Excellent'] [declassified Feb 2016]
PDF 80 Nov 1 Sa Press Minor Archive (TNA) Cold War: Ukraine Research Group press release ("Madrid: Con or Conference?") [human rights violations in Ukraine, economic situation] [declassified Feb 2016]
Text 80 Nov 12 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "The Hayek cure: bigger and better bankruptcies" (Hayek interview) ["my hopes of Britain saving herself have shrunk a little"]
Text 80 Nov 18 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Minister’s visit to consult Falklands people” (Nick Ridley & leaseback)
Text 80 Nov 24 Mo Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Argentine anger over Falklands” (Nick Ridley visit & leaseback)
Text 80 Nov 26 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Transfer of Falklands sovereignty proposed” (Nick Ridley visit & leaseback)
Text 80 Nov 27 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Lord Carrington says Britain will honour wishes of Falklanders” (Nick Ridley visit & leaseback)
Text 80 Nov 28 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Britain puts forward four options on Falklands” (Nick Ridley visit & leaseback)
Text 80 Nov 28 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “An Option For The Falklands” (Nick Ridley visit & leaseback) [Third Leading Article]
Text 80 Dec 1 Mo Press Key Commentary (The Times) Conservativsm: “Lord Vaizey’s change of party” (announces conversion from Labour to Conservative)
Text 80 Dec 1 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Trade unions: "Abuse of union power 'main cause of jobless'" (Hayek paper for IEA) [unions "cannot understand they are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs"]
Text 80 Dec 3 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Falklands: “Commons is united by suspicion of Ridley intentions on Falklands” (Nick Ridley visit & leaseback) [minister badly mauled in Commons]
PDF 81 Jan 14 We Press Major Archive (Bank of England) Economic policy: Dow minute for Governor (Wass meeting) ["despairing worry at the developing recession and the growing unemployment ... kickback if civil servants started to try to tell Ministers about politics"] [declassified 2011]
PDF 81 Feb 25 We Press Major Archive (Hoskyns MSS) Budget: Wolfson minute to MT (comments on MT-Howe meeting) ["professional incompetence ... self-delusion ... Criminal Liability"] [released 2011]
Text 81 Mar 5 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: "Communists heckle Mrs Thatcher in church" (St Lawrence Jewry speech) [MT: "you see why I fight these people"]
Text 81 Mar 10 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Budget: "Economists criticize Government" (Hayek & Friedman on BBC Panorama ) [blaming wets]
Text 81 Mar 10 Tu Press Key Thatcher memoirs Economy: The 1981 budget [memoirs extract]
Text 81 Mar 11 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: Editorial: “The Chancellor’s Conundrum” ("appears to go on digging the hole still deeper")
PDF 81 Mar 13 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Sun) Budget: "'Cabinet Men Warn on Budget" (7 rebel ministers) [Whitelaw, Carrington, Pym, Prior, Walker, Gilmour & Soames]
Text 81 Mar 16 Mo Press Major Commentary (The Times) Budget: "Advice and consent" (Hayek letter) [does not act as an adviser "on particular decisions"]
PDF 81 Mar 24 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economic policy: "Mr Lawson attacks gloom mongers" [defence of 1981 Budget]
PDF 81 Mar 24 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Dry" [brief biography of Lawson]
Text 81 Apr 4 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Budget: "Beating inflation key to recovery" (Hayek letter on the 364 economists) ["lost generation of British economists ... panicky mob"]
Text 81 Apr 4 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Budget: "Beating inflation key to recovery" (Harris letter on the 364 economists) ["charge sheet of those responsible for ... economic decline"]
PDF 81 May 13 We Press Minor Archive (TNA) Cold War: International Representation for the Council of Evangelical Baptist Churches of the Soviet Union news release ("KGB Rushes Trial of Baptist Pastor Dmitri Minyakov") [illegal investigation, further arrests] [declassified Feb 2016]
PDF 81 Aug 25 Tu Press Minor Archive (TNA) Cold War: International Representation for the Council of Evangelical Baptist Churches of the Soviet Union news release ("Five Years in Labor Camp for Preaching the Gospel") [trial of Minyakov] [declassified Feb 2016]
PDF 81 Sep 15 Tu Press Major Commentary (The Times) Monetary policy: "Lawson - Backing with gusto for monetarism" [Lawson enters the Cabinet]
Text 81 Sep 15 Tu Press Key Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Three Cabinet ministers sacked" (reshuffle) [purging the wets]
PDF 81 Oct 7 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Heath blast at Thatcher's 'dreary path'" (Manchester speech) [MT rebuts]
PDF 81 Oct 7 We Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Pathfinder for a Young Pretender" (leader on Heath's Manchester speech) [his views discounted]
PDF 81 Oct 8 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Invitation that did not come" (Heath letter correcting leader) [never invited to join MT's team]
PDF 81 Oct 9 Fr Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "The Troubled Ranks of Tuscany" (leader on Changing Gear ) [party in "the early stages of demoralisation"]
PDF 81 Oct 10 Sa Press Major Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "Mrs Thatcher can't expect blind loyalty" (Chris Patten article) ["truth ... lies somewhere in the middle"]
Text 81 Oct 13 Tu Press Minor Commentary (The Times) Conservative Party: "'Blue Chips' to aid party in Croydon" (all 14 to visit) [demonstration of loyalty]
PDF 81 Oct 15 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: "Impassioned plea by Heath gets short shrift from Tories" (attacks government at party conference)
PDF 81 Oct 15 Th Press Major Commentary (The Times) Economy: "Chancellor launches onslaught on 'union irresponsibility'" (Howe clashes with Heath)

Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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