
Archive (TNA)
Ministry of Defence, Defence Secretariat files

Falklands: UKMIS New York telegram 653 to FCO (0046Z) ("Falkland Islands: Security Council") [now Irish have reactivated Security Council "my objective will be to delay as long as possible a formal and public meeting"] [declassified Jun 2017]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: DEFE24/2292 f265
Editorial comments:

Read other documents selected from this file.

Copied to Sir Antony Acland's Private Office, Falklands File 1. Read other material from Acland's file. Acland underlined the sentence: "given the involvement of Rafee Ahmed, it is probably desirable to keep the United Nations out of the game".

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 2pp
Themes: Foreign policy (International organizations), Defence (Falklands)