
Archive (TNA)
Foreign and Commonwealth Office files, American & Latin American Department

Falklands: UKREP Brussels telegram 1764 to FCO (1817Z) ("European Political Cooperation, Political Committee, Brussels 4 May: Falklands") [Bullard at EPC; Irish representative hand was forced by his government's statement of 4 May; others showed "unmistakeable signs of perturbation at loss of life in sinking of Argentine cruiser"] [declassified Dec 2012]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: FCO7/4592 f80
Editorial comments:

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Copied without annotation to DEFE24/2290 f49.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 3pp
Themes: British relations with France, British relations with the Federal Republic of Germany, British relations with Italy, British relations with Netherlands, European Union (general), Defence (Falklands)