
Archive (TNA)
Ministry of Defence, Ministerial Private Office files

Falklands: Jackling minute to Nott PS (?1400) ("Falklands: US/Peruvian Ideas") [attended FCO meeting this morning to revise proposals into form acceptable to HMG] [declassified Oct 2017]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: DEFE13/1629 f143
Editorial comments:

Marked 'JN', read by Nott.

Read all documents on the site selected from this file.

There is a copy of this document in the CDS file DEFE25/446 f43, marked as read by CDS, forwarded to him by Walden who writes on the cover note "Bit detailed but CDS may care to see". The second section - "The Amended versions of US/Peruvian Ideas" - is photocopied directly from Nott's copy, with identical annotations, presumably by Nott.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 8pp
Themes: British relations with the US, Foreign policy (USA), Foreign policy (Americas excluding USA), Defence (Falklands)