
Archive (TNA)
Ministry of Defence, Defence Secretariat files

Falklands: UKE Washington telegram 1433 to FCO (0129Z) ("Agreement of additional measures going beyond the Maritime Exclusion Zone"] [Pym gave text to Haig saying not decided whether to announce it publicly; he replied if Argentinians did not understand out intentions, not due to lack of effort; fresh evidence Argentine Air Force opposed to escalation] [declassified Jun 2017]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: DEFE24/2273 f84
Editorial comments:

Other documents selected from this file may be read here.

Copied without annotation to FCO7/4530 f25 and to DEFE24/2273 f90.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 2pp
Themes: Law & order, Foreign policy (International organizations), Defence (Falklands)