
Archive (TNA)
GCHQ files

Falklands/JIC: BDS Washington signal to MODUK (2100Z) ("Press reporting on US/UK intelligence cooperation during the Falkland crisis") [Tovey conversation with Director Defense Intelligence Agency - difficulty preventing US media securing sensitive intelligence information] [declassified May 2023]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: HW92/17 f5
Editorial comments:

The DIA is part of the Pentagon, not to be confused with the CIA. Its Director (in 1982 Lt Gen. James Williams) is the primary intelligence adviser to the Secretary of Defense, in this case Caspar Weinberger.

Brian Tovey was Director of GCHQ and evidently the author of this signal.

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Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 2pp
Themes: Media, Executive, British relations with the US, Foreign policy (USA), Defence (Falklands), Security services & intelligence