
Archive (TNA)
Foreign and Commonwealth Office files, American & Latin American Department

Falklands: FCO briefing ("Secretary Haig's Next Visit: Briefs") [Soviet attitude; Economic measures against Argentina; Perceptions of US neutrality; negotiating documents] [declassified 2012]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: FCO7/4538 f2
Editorial comments:

In the event Haig did not visit, so the briefing was overtaken. It does not seem to have been sent to No.10, but its contents remain of interest.

Read other documents selected from this file.

Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 23pp
Themes: Media, British relations with the Soviet Union, British relations with the US, Foreign policy (USA), Foreign policy (USSR & successor states), Foreign policy - theory and process, Defence (Falklands)