
Archive (TNA)
Ministry of Defence, Ministerial Private Office files

Falklands: Haig peace proposals (0830Z) (following first visit to Buenos Aires) [as amended following talks with British; Armstrong's copy] [declassified Jun 2017]

Document type: Declassified documents
Venue: Ministry of Defence
Source: DEFE13/1628 f14
Editorial comments:

The text is identical with that Haig's team prepared on the plane from Buenos Aires. Accordingly this would appear to be the form in which the proposals arrived at No.10 with the Americans that morning.

The amendments are in the handwriting of Robert Armstrong. The text as amended is relatively close to the final agreed.

MT's copy of the text may be read here.

The US text of the document, with interpretations private to the Americans, can be read here.

The final text may be read in column 1 of the document found here.

Read other documents selected from this file.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 1p
Themes: British relations with the US, Foreign policy (USA), Defence (Falklands)