
Archive (Defence Intelligence Agency)

Falklands: US Defense Attaché's Office in UK signal to Defense Intelligence Agency (1354Z) ("Senior Royal Navy Views on Current Falkland Island Issue") [Leach's warning about MEZ] [published 2015]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: Foreign Relations of the United States 1981-89 (Volume XIII) Conflict in the South Atlantic (2015) p152
Editorial comments:

1354. From the archive of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). Excerpt from Foreign Relations of the United States 1981-89 (Volume XIII) Conflict in the South Atlantic (2015). Other documents from this volume can be seen here. Read the whole volume.

The name of the senior Royal Navy source is redacted, but since the person is also identified as Chief of the Naval Staff (and there is only one of them), we can be certain it was Admiral Leach. The name of his US interlocutor is also redacted, this time more effectively. One might surmise it was the US Defence Attaché from whose office the signal was sent and who would have known the Admiral sufficiently well to have spoken frankly with him. Captain Duane Heisinger held that post during the Falklands War.

Published in 2015, but date of declassification unknown. The document may have been available for some time before inclusion in this volume.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 3pp
Themes: British relations with the US, Foreign policy (USA), Foreign policy (Americas excluding USA), Defence (Falklands)