
Archive (TNA)
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

South Africa: FCO record of conversation ("Record of a discussion between the Secretary of State and Pieter de Lange, Rector of the Rand Afrikaans University and President of the Broederbond") ["growing acceptance of the need for ANC participation at the negotiating table... Afrikaners were ready for new thinking and for innovative leadership... Any peaceful settlement needed to bring in the extremes [of left and right wing]"] [declassified Feb 2016]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: PREM19/1969 f63
Editorial comments:

The approximate mid-point of Howe's visit to South Africa has been chosen as an estimated date for this meeting. Read other documents selected from this file. The full file from which this item is taken can be seen here - PREM19-1969.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 4pp
Themes: Foreign policy (USSR & successor states), Commonwealth (South Africa), European Union (general), British policy towards South Africa, British relations with the Soviet Union, Foreign Secretary’s meetings