
Archive (TNA)
Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Private Office files (Lawson)

Community Charge: Treasury record of conversation (Lawson - Chris Patten, Norman Lamont) [concessions to ease introduction of Community Charge] [declassified Feb 2018]

Document type: Declassified documents
Venue: 11 Downing Street
Source: T640/1191 f95
Editorial comments:

Dated 7 September, contrary to what is written on the document itself, because evidence elsewhere in the file strongly suggests the meeting took place on the evening of 7 September, not the 8th. Perhaps the record was compiled on the 8th and misdated as a result. Read documents selected from this file. Read the whole file here.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 6pp
Themes: Public spending & borrowing, Taxation, Local government, Local government finance, Community charge (“poll tax”), Parliament, Conservative Party (organization), Chancellor of the Exchequer’s meetings