
Archive (TNA)
Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Private Office files (Lawson)

Community Charge: Treasury minute for Financial Secretary ("Non-domestic rate transition") [business seeking reassurance] [declassified Feb 2018]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: T640/824 f38
Editorial comments:

Lawson wrote "Good girl" against the final paragraph of his own copy of Chaplin's letter to Lamont of 16 Feb, asserting that the IoD recognised that the Exchequer would not be funding the phasing relief. Chaplin had earlier worked as one of his special advisers. Read documents selected from this file. Read the whole file here.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 16pp
Themes: Social security & welfare, Society, Industry, Public spending & borrowing, Taxation, Local government, Local government finance, Community charge (“poll tax”), Executive, Parliament