Wednesday 6 November 1985
1000c Depart No. 10
1130 State Opening of Parliament H/C
After Look in at Speaker’s Reception + Mr. Alison
Lunch and work on speech H/C [Handwritten original says, “Lunch + Colleagues: Work on speech H/C”.]
1430 Opening Speech on Debate on the Address H/C
1645 Harvey Thomas (re lectern for Lord Mayor’s Banquet) H/C
1700 Sir Robin Ibbs (Value for Money Targets) H/C [Handwritten original has “or NW” beneath this entry; could equally apply to the entry below.] [Nigel Wicks]
1745 Briefing Meeting [Mr. Unwin + Mr. Norgrove] H/C
1815 Secretary of State for the Environment [Kenneth Baker] + Mr. Wicks H/C
1845 Lord President [Willie Whitelaw] and Chief Whip [John Wakeham] + Mr. Wicks H/C [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: [Re Housing P.E.].]
[briefing card has Norgrove not Wicks; 5/1/4/104 f173]
1930 Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary [Sir Geoffrey Howe] + Mr. Powell H/C
2105 Return to No. 10
Supper Flat
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