Thursday 31 October 1985
0830 Hair [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: Flat.]
0900 MISC 111
1030 Cabinet [Viscount Whitelaw, Lord Hailsham, Sir Geoffrey Howe, Leon Brittan, Nigel Lawson, Douglas Hurd, Sir Keith Joseph, Peter Walker, Michael Heseltine, George Younger,
Nicholas Edwards, John Biffen, Norman Fowler, Norman Tebbit, Tom King, Michael Jopling, Nicholas Ridley, Lord Young of Graffham, Kenneth Baker, Kenneth Clarke,
John MacGregor, John Wakeham]
1300 Working lunch on Queen’s Speech [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: Flat.]
1400 Keep free for Mr. Wicks
1430-1500 Lord Young + Mr. Norgrove
1500 Sir William Rees-Mogg + Mr. Wicks
1540-1610 Sir Keith Joseph (personal chat)
1610 Lord President of the Council [Willie Whitelaw] + Mr. Norgrove
1615 Keep free to read briefs
1630-1830 Talks with Hungarian Party Secretary [János Kádár] + Mr. Powell [see THCR 1-7-9 f67 for full programme of Kádár’s visit, 31 October to 2 November. File also includes
a notecard of topics for MT’s meeting with Kádár: “1) Our commitment to playing a full part in East/West political dialogue. 2) Our support for US position on arms control. 3) His
assessment of Gorbachev and his likely economic policies in the Soviet Union. 4) Who are the other Soviet leaders to watch? 5) Gorbachev’s intentions at the US/Soviet Summit.
6) Hungarian Economy. 7) Hungary/EEC.”]
1900 Change
1945 for 2000 Dinner in honour of Mr. Kádár, Hungarian Party Secretary. Informal. No. 10
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