Monday 28 October 1985
0830 Hair
1000 OD
1100 Diary Meeting
1200 Chief Whip [John Wakeham]
1215 Chief Whip [John Wakeham], Lord Privy Seal [John Biffen], Lord President [Willie Whitelaw], Chairman [Norman Tebbit] (Honours)
1300 Lunch in flat
1430 Chancellor of the Exchequer [Nigel Lawson] + Mr. Norgrove
1515 Meeting of Ministers (MISC 120 roundup. Lord President [Willie Whitelaw], Chief Secretary to the Treasury [John MacGregor], Mr. Unwin, Mr. Norgrove)
1630 Banking Supervision Seminar (Chancellor of the Exchequer [Nigel Lawson], Executive [?sic: Economic] Secretary, Sir P. Middleton, Mr. Frank Cassell, Governor
[Robin Leigh-Pemberton], Mr. Galpin and Mr. Blunden and Mr. Norgrove)
1830-2000 Reception for Imperial War Museum Redevelopment Appeal + Mr. Catford [DT away] [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary:
+RC (Robin Catford)? - No.10.]
Supper in Flat.
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