Monday 14 October 1985
0830 Hair - Flat
0945 Depart No. 10 + Mr. Powell
1050 Prime Minister of India (Mr. Rajiv Gandhi) arrives Heathrow
Return to No. 10
1215 Lord President [Willie Whitelaw] and Chairman [Norman Tebbit]
Lunch in Flat
1400 David Norgrove for MISC 111 Briefing Meeting + Mr. Unwin and Mr. Willetts
1515 Welcoming ceremony for Mr. Gandhi in FCO Quadrangle
1530-1700 Talks with Mr. Gandhi [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: No.10.]
1700 [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: RTA (Sir Robert Armstrong).]
1715-1845 Briefing meeting for CHOGM [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: No.10.]
2015 for 2030 Dinner for Mr. Gandhi (informal) - No. 10 [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: National Dress or Informal.]
2030 Arrival of HRH The Princess Anne, Mrs. Mark Phillips
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