Monday 30 September 1985
0830 Hair [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: Flat.]
1000 John Newhouse for New Yorker Interview + Mr. Ingham
1200-1300 Meeting of Ministers (PE: Lord President [Willie Whitelaw], Chancellor of Exchequer [Nigel Lawson], Chief Secretary [John MacGregor] and Mr. Norgrove)
Lunch in Flat
1410 Interview with Jewish Chronicle + Mr. Ingham [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: +IM.]
1435 Keep free for Party Conference Speech
1600 Meeting of Ministers (Governor and Officials, Chancellor of Exchequer [Nigel Lawson] and Officials, + Mr. Norgrove and Foreign Secretary [Sir Geoffrey Howe] )
1800-1900 David Hart and Mr. Sherbourne for Party Conference Speech [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: No.10.]
1900 Sir David Hannay + Mr. Powell [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: No.10.]
2030 Dinner with Sir Nicholas and Lady Henderson - Informal - 6 Fairholt Street, London SW1 [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: +DT.] [Laura Ashley]
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