Tuesday 24 September 1985
[Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: [CF interviews].]
0900 Meeting of Ministers (re Presentation: Lord President [Willie Whitelaw], Chairman [Norman Tebbit], Nigel Wicks, Bernard Ingham, Michael Alison)
1000 Meeting of Ministers (JMB: Chancellor of Exchequer [Nigel Lawson], Governor [Robin Leigh-Pemberton], Secretary of State for Trade [Leon Brittan], Attorney General
[Sir Michael Havers], Mr. Norgrove)
1100 Mrs. Gaisman to discuss Party Conference programme
1130 Keep free for Party Conference speech
1315 Lunch with Private Secretaries
1400 onwards Keep free for Party Conference Speech
1800 Chief Inspector Edgar to say farewell [This entry is partially redacted (closed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000) in handwritten original. And, confusingly,
beneath this entry, it says, “[SS wants session to end at 1700]”.]
1830-1930 Mr. Harry Oppenheimer and Mr. Powell [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: No.10.]
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