Wednesday 18 September 1985
[Egypt/Jordan] [see, respectively, THCR 1/10/94 f11 and f46 for Egyptian programme and local administrative arrangements and THCR 1/10/95 f74 and f74
for Jordanian programme and programme notes]
0745 Hair
0845 Leave Tahra Palace
0900 Arrive Cairo Wastewater Project
Unveil stone
0945 Leave for Cairo Airport
1005 Arrive: Guard of Honour
1025 Depart for Luxor
1300 Arrive
1305 Leave Airport for Karnak
1315 Tour Karnak
1400 Leave Karnak for Museum
1405 Tour Museum
1425 Leave Museum for Luxor Temple
1430 Tour Luxor Temple
1500 Leave Luxor Temple for Winter Palace Hotel
1505 Arrive
1540 Leave Hotel for Airport
1555 Depart for Amman
1830 Arrive: Full Military Honours
1850 Drive to Royal Palace compound
1910 Arrive
1932 Courtesy call on King Hussein (15 minutes)
2050 Arrive at Basman Palace for State Banquet
2055 Introduction to members of the Hashemite Royal Family
2100 State Banquet [see 1/10/95 f128 for guest list and note about top table guests (King Hussein, Crown Prince and Princess Sarvath, Princess Basma and Mr Kurdi,
Princess Alia, Prince Abdullah, and the Jordanian Prime Minister and Mrs Rifa'i), as well as the programme for Carol Thatcher’s visit]
2300 Return to accommodation
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