Monday 16 September 1985
0830 Hair
1000 Diary meeting
1045 Chancellor of Exchequer [Nigel Lawson] and Mr. Norgrove
1145 Sir Robert Wade-Gery and Mr. Powell
1200 Home Secretary [Douglas Hurd], Foreign Secretary [Sir Geoffrey Howe], and others [Handwritten original says, “Meeting of Ministers [Re Russian Spies]”.]
1240 US Ambassador and Mr. Powell [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: No.10.]
1300 for 1315 Andrew Turnbull’s farewell lunch [+ Michael Alison: see his engagement diary, 2/6/3/9 f37]
1500 John Redwood
1515c Depart No. 10
1605 Depart London Heathrow [for Egypt: see THCR 1/10/94 f11 and f46; Official Delegation: DT, Carol Thatcher, Sir Alan Urwick, Stephen Egerton, Charles Powell, Bernard Ingham,
Tim Flesher, I. Murray]
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