Wednesday 17 April 1985
0900 Ronnie Butt of The Times +BI [Bernard Ingham] [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: for interview - No.10.] [No.10, “for interview” - engagement card
1/10/96 f46]
1000-1030 Lord McAlpine
1210 President Banda arrives for talks
1300 Lunch for President Banda [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: [DT away].]
1430 President departs
1630 [Material from handwritten original of the 1985 appointment diary: “RTA (Sir Robert Armstrong) (Briefing for Economic Summit)”. This material is also entered and then crossed through
on engagement card, 1/10/96 f46]
1700-1730 Foreign Secretary [Sir Geoffrey Howe] +CDP [Charles Powell]
1800 To H/C
1815 Drinks with MPs (Education Committee) +MA [Michael Alison]
[Material from engagement card, 1/10/96 f46: Supper - H/C +MA (Michael Alison)]
2200 Three Line Vote
Paired between 1530 and 1815 and after 2200
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