Wednesday 10 April 1985
[Indonesia: see 1/10/87 f3 for detailed programme]
0740 Depart Wisma
0800 Arrive National Heroes Cemetery
0820 Depart
0840 Arrive Wisma Negara
0925 Depart for Istana Merdeka
Talks with President of Indonesia [Soeharto]
1100 Leave Istana Merdeka for Wisma
1200 Luncheon
1350 Leave Wisma +DT
1400 Arrive Widjojo Centre Building
Visit the British Council
1500 Depart
1520 Arrive Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
Board bus
Visit Museum Indonesia
1600 Arrive Imax Theatre
Attend tree planting ceremony
1620 View film “Indonesia Indah”
Signing of guest book
1730 Arrive Wisma
1910 Depart for Mandarin Hotel
1920 Reception given by HM Ambassador
2030 Depart
2045 Arrive Ambassador’s Residence for informal dinner
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