
Archive (TNA)
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

European Policy: UKREP Brussels telegram 1997 to FCO (1659Z) ("Council of Ministers (Agriculture) 17/18 May") ["decisions were taken on the 1982 farm price proposals by majority vote even though the... [UK] had very important interests at stake and wanted the discussion to continue... This procedure is quite without precedent in the Agriculture Council... if the Community is to avoid a really acute crisis, a decision must be reached on the budget problem at the Foreign Affairs Council next week"] [declassified Aug 2013]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: PREM19/1018 f229
Editorial comments:

Relevant supporting documents follow the main item. Read other documents selected from this file. The full file from which this item is taken can be seen here - PREM19-1018.

Importance ranking: Key
Word count: 9pp
Themes: Media, Parliament, British relations with France, British relations with the Federal Republic of Germany, British relations with Italy, Foreign policy (International organizations), European Union (general), European Union Budget, Agriculture, Trade