
Archive (Thatcher MSS)
Personal and party papers, Cambridge

NHS: John O'Sullivan notes ("Notes on the NHS Review") [early days yet, moving towards dedicated health tax with contracting out or competitive local health funds; 12 papers, 103pp] [released Jul 2018]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: Thatcher MSS, Churchill Archive Centre: THCR2/6/4/65 f20
Editorial comments:

Undated; listed by date of most recent enclosure. John O'Sullivan was then working in the No.10 Policy Unit. The status of these notes is a little obscure - it is possible they were designed for MT, but more likely they were in the nature of an aide memoire for interested parties in No.10.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 103pp
Themes: NHS reforms 1987-90