
Archive (TNA)
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

G7: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Chancellor Kohl) [brief bilateral on GATT round, EC budget, CAP, EC/US, East/West relations; Kohl - "Gorbachev was in deep trouble"] [declassified Jul 2017]

Document type: Declassified documents
Venue: Tokyo
Source: PREM19/1714 f26
Editorial comments:

1630-1800. Read other documents selected from this file. The full file from which this item is taken can be seen here - PREM19-1714.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 3pp
Themes: Agriculture, Trade, Energy, Foreign policy (USA), Foreign policy (USSR & successor states), European Union (general), European Union Budget, Defence (general), Defence (arms control), British relations with the Federal Republic of Germany, Charles Powell minutes, MT's meetings as PM