
Archive (TNA)
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Gulf War: Amir of Qatar letter to MT (Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) [gratitude for support; permission to use facilities at Doha] [declassified Jul 2017]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: PREM19/3076 f149
Journalist: -
Editorial comments:

This item is notable for a rare thing: Charles Powell makes a mistake. He annotates it for MT as a letter from the Amir of Kuwait, in fact it came from the Amir of Qatar. Multiple copies are found in the file and are included in this item. The full file from which this item is taken can be seen here. Read other documents selected from this file.

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 15pp
Themes: Foreign policy (USA), Foreign policy (Middle East), Media, Defence (general), Charles Powell minutes, MT messages to and from world leaders, Defence (Gulf War, 1990-91)