
Archive (TNA)
Foreign and Commonwealth Office files, European Community Department

EC: UKREP Brussels telegram to FCO (“European Council: Milan: 28-29 June") [argument over IGC] [declassified Nov 2016]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: FCO30/6306 f23
Editorial comments:

Dated 29 June, but covers the whole two days of the Council. Read other documents selected from this file. The full file from which this item is taken can be seen here - FCO30/6306. A long "informal record" of the Council also survives in FCO files, available here. There is also a letter by Robin Renwick on "the atmospherics". No formal minutes are supposed to be kept by the Council itself, although an informal “proces-verbal” may exist in the archive of the European Council in Brussels.

Importance ranking: Key
Word count: 6pp
Themes: MT's meetings as PM, British relations with France, British relations with Italy, British relations with Netherlands, British relations with the Federal Republic of Germany, Foreign policy (Western Europe - non-EU), European Union (general), Economic, monetary & political union, European Union Single Market, MT contacts with François Mitterrand, MT contacts with Helmut Kohl