
Archive (State Department)

China: White House/State Department memorandum ("Themes") [paper for Scowcroft/Eagleburger secret mission to Beijing] [declassified 1998]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: US State Dept FOI case 1996-03409
Editorial comments: Authorship of the document is unclear. Presumably it was designed to guide Scowcroft and Eagleburger on their secret mission to Beijing following Tiananment Square. Perhaps a copy was handed to the Chinese Government. For an account of the mission, see Bush and Scowcroft A World Transformed (1998), pp105-11.
Importance ranking: Key
Word count: 6pp
Themes: Commonwealth (general), Defence (general), Foreign policy (Asia), Foreign policy (USA)
[file:/doc7/890629 Themes for Scowcroft visit.pdf]