Monday 29 October 1984
0830 Hair [Flat – location from handwritten original]
1000 Meeting of Ministers re Police Bill [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: HS [Leon Brittan], Ld Pres [Willie Whitelaw], LPS
[John Biffen], Dep Ch Wh [John Cope] +MA [Michael Alison].]
1030-1045 Gilly Rayner for photograph [6/2/3/14 f17: photograph as basis for a pencil drawing for NSPCC] [No. 10 – location from handwritten original]
1045 Stephen Sherbourne
1100 Meeting of Ministers re Ethiopia
1130 MISC 101
1230 Dep. Chief Whip, LPS [John Biffen], Lord Pres [Willie Whitelaw] and Chairman [John Selwyn Gummer]
1300 Lunch for Colleagues
1430 Meeting of Ministers re Government purchasing [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: Chief Sec [Peter Rees], Min/FCO, H/S
[Leon Brittan], S/Def [Michael Heseltine], S/HSS [Norman Fowler], M/ODA, S/Env [Patrick Jenkin], Min/DTI, S/Trans [Nicholas Ridley], Ld Gowrie/RTA
[Sir Robert Armstrong], Sir R. Ibbs – No. 10]
1600-1630 Sir Alan Traill: next Lord Mayor of London [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: +FERB [Robin Butler]
1630 To H/C
1630-1715 Sir Percy Cradock - H/C [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: General Chat] [handwritten original gives location as No. 10
and follows it with “To H/C”]
1800 Chancellor [Nigel Lawson], LPS [John Biffen] and Dep. Chief Whip [John Cope] - H/C
1830 Bob Young from Policy Unit to say farewell - H/C [handwritten original has this at 1815]
1830-2000 Meeting and drink with special advisers - H/C [Stephen Sherbourne, Edward Bickham, Tim Boswell, Chris Butler, Peter Davis, Michael Dobbs, Robin Harris,
Nigel Hawkins, John Houston, Rodney Lord, John Redwood, Chris Mockler, Michael Portillo, Katharine Ramsay, Adam Ridley, Stuart Sexton, Nicholas True,
John Whittingdale, Peter Cropper] [2/6/3/161 part 1 f5]
Supper +MA [Michael Alison]
Running Two Line
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