Wednesday 24 October 1984
0830-0900 Hair [Flat – location from handwritten original]
1015 Meeting of Parliament Act 1797 [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: H/S [Leon Brittan], Dep CW [John Cope], AG [Sir Michael
Havers], RTA [Sir Robert Armstrong]
1045-1125 E(A)
1125 Depart No. 10 for H/C [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: +MA [Michael Alison] & CDP [Charles Powell]
1130 Depart PM's room for Royal Gallery
1200 President Mitterrand addresses Parliament
Return to No. 10
1300 President and Madame Mitterrand arrive. [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: Met by PM]
1315 Lunch [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: for President Mitterrand – No. 10] +DT
1430 Talks
1630 Lord [David] Young
1700 Secretary of State for Energy [Peter Walker] + Mr. Gregson
1815 Depart No. 10 +FERB [Robin Butler]
1830 Audience [HM The Queen]
Return to No. 10
c2015 Look in [handwritten original specifies “if possible”] at Chancellor's Party [Nigel Lawson] for Better Made in Britain Exhibition +MA [Michael Alison] - No. 11
To H/C
Supper H/C +MA [Michael Alison]
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