Wednesday 17 October 1984
1000-1045 Meeting of Ministers re Inspection and Management Consultancy [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: Ch Sec [Peter Rees],
Lord Gowrie, Sir Robin Ibbs, RTA [Sir Robert Armstrong], JR [John Redwood]/ND + Sir Peter Middleton]
1130 Depart No. 10
1200-1300 Accept Aims of Industry "National Free Enterprise” Award at the International Press Centre [Michael Ivens, John Lyle, Sir John Reiss, Lord Frank Taylor,
Walter Goldsmith, Eddie Shah, Bernard Braine] [6/2/2/92 f54]
Return to No. 10
1430-1515 Lunch in flat [handwritten diary has "FCS" [Sir Geoffrey Howe] for 1430-1515]
1630 Mrs. Plummer, Mrs. Anderson, Miss Berdinner and Mrs. Russell: next-of-kin of detainees in Tripoli
1830 Reception for Conservative Industrial Fund and City Industrial Liaison Council +DT [No. 10 – location from handwritten original]
2000 Depart +DT
2015 Supper with Sir Hector and Lady Laing +DT at 52 Kingston House North [Sir Charles (Dick) Troughton, Gosh Troughton, George Blunden, Anne Blunden]
[6/2/2/92 f87] [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: Informal]
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