Monday 2 July 1984
0830 Hair [Flat – location from handwritten original]
1000 Media
1030-1100 German Federation of Young Entrepreneurs [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: Accept award from German Federation
of Young Entrepreneurs (via AJC [John Coles])]
1115 Meeting of Ministers re Urban Programme Review [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: Chief Sec [Peter Rees], S/Env [Patrick
Jenkin], Sir R. Ibbs +Cabinet Office.]
1200 Chief Whip [John Wakeham]
1215 Chief Whip [John Wakeham], Lord President [Willie Whitelaw], Lord Privy Seal [John Biffen], Chairman [John Selwyn Gummer] + S/S Environment
[Patrick Jenkin]
1245 Depart No. 10 + Mr. Turnbull
1300 Lunch with Barings - 8 Bishopsgate [Sir John Baring, Nicholas Baring, Peter Baring, Robin Dent, Robin Broadley, Andrew Tuckey, Miles Rivett-Carnac] [Andrew
Turnbull] [6/2/2/88 f13] [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: +AT [Andrew Turnbull].]
1430 Depart for No. 10
1445 Meeting with delegation from Centre for Strategic and International Studies [No. 10 – location from handwritten original]
1520 To H/C
1530 onwards Northern Ireland Debate
Return to No. 10
1700 MISC 101 [No. 10 – location from handwritten original]
1745 Lord McAlpine [+Michael Alison - see Alison diary, 2/6/3/8] [Re: "party constituency finances", 6/2/3/14 f137] [No. 10 – location from handwritten original]
1830 [Material from handwritten original of the 1984 appointment diary: S/Defence [Michael Heseltine] +Sir Clive Whitmore.] [Moved to next day?]
1830 To Flood Street with Joy Robilliard
2100 Dinner with Michael Alison +DT - 5 Harley Gardens
Return to No. 10
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