Tuesday 2nd November 1982
James Lothian of Citibank - forecasts with Base and M1 - 5/ inflation - writing an article for the Guardian.
Announcement of Scargill 39% against 61% for the NCB
Public Exp Cabinet - main discussion re 11% - benefits - should “clawback” 2.9% next year leaving pensions +2½% in Election year
- “fulfilled our promise to protect pensions”
Very easy to agree on because inflation was lower than we expected.
120.5 83/4
127.3 84/5
133.3 85/6
Keith J [SirKeith Joseph] wanted to reduce students grants - base from 420 to 210 and increase 6% to 3½%
PM etc. complained about the plight of middle class with kids at university
Lunch with PM and private secretaries
- speech drafts - PM’s own draft pretty awful and should be scrapped
Nigel Lawson on loyalty script cmtn [scrip] for Britons.
He agreed it was economically nonsense but saw great political advantages.
Nevertheless (a) limit on script issue £ 100m
(b) 3 year holding before bonus is paid
(c) Very likely tender, but underwriters want a large piece of flesh.
MS said my “Future” for speech is best for Guildhall not H/C. Ferdy [Ferdinand Mount] is drawn into speechwriting.