Thursday 28th October 1982
Note 115,000 on YWS - Received from David Stanton an apology for the Institute of Manpower Studies Report
Good letter from Walter Goldsmith in Times against protection. Cabinet ran on for more than an hour overtime.
E Cttee on Protection - Old Protectors lead - Cockfield, Jenkin, Pym + Biffen, then led Cecil P [Cecil Parkinson], Nott , Lawson, Tebbitt [sic: Tebbit] ; they rallied and defeated the Old Guard - and would not let PM get away with her Jap phobia (about computer controlled m/c [machine-controlled?] tools)
Letter from PS [Private Secretary] employment> - priceless economics
Gloom of CBI report too late to affect the by-election of Peckham + Northfield
David Hart - with article on Protection for Times
Ian Gow said Cayzer OK + PM said she hoped I would stay longer.
Dinner with Bob Bee - OK but dreadful Banker from Denmark - sour because I crushed him - and then he sulked
- Splendid man from Maryland National Bank