Wednesday 21st July 1982
Gvr [Gordon Richardson] said 1989’s were no good because they would go straight into banks - JBG [Jock Bruce Gardyne] said nonsense
Peter Middleton
250 shorts 500 ’98s = 750 Agreed
frights about August funding
Should not do large amounts at long end.
except if indexed - Peter wants a formal letter of protest to him so he can show it to EG [Eddie George]
Deal - 300 ’89 300 ’98 John Kerr - AW ogre
J B-G agreed to NSC [National Savings Certificates] with lighter rate of interest - crazy - overruled Peter Middleton - so prepared a memo to PM to stop it and retain the 24th issue.
Lunch at IEA with John Hoskyns, Halstead (Beechams)
Helped FM [Ferdinand Mount] produce a memo supporting Michael Heseltine’s argument for privatising the Sewage of Merseyside - Leon very negative, but bid the contract on a will defund basis
Peter Bauer for Dinner