
Archive (Walters MSS)

Economy: Alan Walters diary [talks with Pym; memo to PM on indexed pensions; splendid performance on Panorama][released 2012]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: Walters MSS (Churchill Archives Centre): WTRS3/1/2
Editorial comments: Read other entries from this diary. View all Walters documents. The original diary can be studied here
Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 90
Themes: Defence (Falklands), Monetary policy

Monday 26th April 1982

South Georgia recaptured.

Saw Francis Pym as I came in - he asked me how I was - I said “how are you is more important”. I told him I did not think [sic]

CPS lunch with William Keagan [William Keegan]

Memo to PM on Indexed Pensions

- argued we should allow opting out which would decrease cost of labor

Statement on S. Georgia

Idiotic acceptance of Serpell as Chairman of Railways Enquiry - JV [John Vereker]

Note to DMS

Splendid performance by PM on Panorama