
Archive (Walters MSS)

Economy: Alan Walters diary [Saatchi’s shares plummet on rumours Tories drop them; exchange rate up, band 1 down][released 2012]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: Walters MSS (Churchill Archives Centre): WTRS 3/1/2
Editorial comments: Read other entries from this diary. View all Walters documents. The original diary can be studied here
Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 111
Themes: Monetary policy, Trade unions, Strikes & other union action

Monday 18th January 1982

Daniel Rubini (Argentina) - wanted me to help with Port Pricing

Bernard Asher (HSBC) phoned to ask what would ministers welcome in the way of joint arrangement with [gap in text]

Band I down to 145⁄16

Exchange rate up on rumours that miners will not strike.

PM saw me - first Satchi’s [Saatchi’s] shares had plummeted because Sunday Times said Tories had dropped them - but “Tim Bell is committed and our great ally”

- called Cecil

Interest rates again. Greenwell’s point out tightness in M1, M0 etc.

What can she do for Governor

Jock B-G [Jock Bruce-Gardyne] seemed to be sold on maintaining a $ pairing.