Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Parliament: No.10 record of conversation (c.1100Z) (MT, Howe, Whitelaw, Biffen, Parkinson, Tebbit, Michael Jopling) [“MPs’ pay”] [declassified 2012]
Document type: | Declassified documents |
Venue: | 10 Downing Street |
Source: | PREM19/869 f42 |
Editorial comments: | This meeting appears to have taken place after Cabinet on Tuesday 6th April, not on 20th as the letter indicates, although MT’s engagement diary is not clear on the matter. Very possibly the Falklands situation caused record keeping to struggle at this point. Relevant supporting documents follow the main item. The full file from which this item is taken can be seen here. Read other documents selected from this file. |
Importance ranking: | Major |
Word count: | 5pp |
Themes: | MT's meetings as PM, Parliament, Pay, Public spending & borrowing |
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