Monday 2nd November 1981
E committee on Local Authority - Referendum vs reelection for misbehaving - but M.H. s proposals caught TORY Councils where are not overspenders. CAUTION preached by WW [William Whitelaw], FP [Francis Pym] and Janet Young.
New training limitations by Tebbit - COSY got through but LAYARD plans dropped - Treasury support.
Lunch - D. English (Mail), Douglas Home (Times). Marc Schreiber, Vivyan WHITE (Granada) at CPS. - Leyland - I said I would be pleased if they rejected offer.
3.00 PM caught me for speechwriting chaos - I told her that speech in commons was shopping list - she was surprised.
8.30 Return to No 10 to continue speechwriting - s [Sic]
1.00 am Damned tired