Wednesday 23 November 1983
[Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: (Cancel FCS [Sir Geoffrey Howe] & Ch/ Ex [Nigel Lawson]).]
0730 Working breakfast with Mr. Hawke - Residence
0857 Depart for Vigyan Bhavan +DT
0901 Arrive
0945 Formal opening of CHOGM [see THCR 1/10/64 f111 for list of attendees]
1100 Executive Session
1230-1320 Reception by Commonwealth Secretary-General [Sonny Ramphal] - Ceremonial Lounge, Vigyan Bhavan
1330 Lunch at Residence [Sir Geoffrey Howe, Michael Alison, Sir Robert Armstrong, Sir Antony Acland, Robin Butler, John Coles, Brian Falls, Tessa Gaisman] [THCR
1/10/64 f193]
1500 Executive Session
1720 Depart for Rashtrapati Bhavan
1730 Reception by President of India for Heads of Delegation
1900 Hair - Residence
2000 The Queen's CHOGM Banquet at Hyderabad House
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