Tuesday 22 November 1983
0800 Arrive New Delhi
Drive to High Commissioner's Residence
1300 Lunch in Residence
1430 To British High Commission to meet staff
Return to Residence
1620 Depart for Mrs. Gandhi's office
1630-1730 Meeting with Mrs. Gandhi
1800 Mr. Ramphal - Residence
2000 High Commissioner's private dinner for The Queen at the Residence [His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, The Countess of Airlie, Mrs. Tara Ali Baig,
Mr. Robin Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Rajiv Gandhi, Sir William Heseltine, Sir Geoffrey and Lady Howe, Mrs. Pupul Jayakar, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Jha, Dr. and Mrs. V.
Kurien, Professor and Mrs. M. G. K. Menon, Dr. and Mrs. V. K. Narayana Menon, Sir Philip Moore, The Honourable Mary Morrison, Mrs. Pandit,
Dr. and Mrs. I. G. Patel, Mr. Richard Samuel, Denis Thatcher, Sir Robert and Lady Wade-Gery, Mr. J. R. D. Tata: see THCR 1/10/64 f195 also for biographies of
select guests and seating plan]
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