Monday 21 November 1983
0830 Hair
0950 Mr. Enoch Powell [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: [M. Alison – N. Ireland shooting].]
1000 Media
1030-1130 Meeting of Ministers [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: [re Interception Legislation & Malone] FCS (Sir Geoffrey Howe),
H Secy (Leon Brittan), NIO (Jim Prior), Att Gen (Sir Michael Havers), RTA (Sir Robert Armstrong), Sir Anthony Duff, Sir Antony Acland or Mr. Patrick Wright.]
1130 Chairman [John Gummer] and Lord President [Willie Whitelaw] [Handwritten original lists an 1130 meeting with the Chairman, John Gummer, re Euro elections.
It is likely that it describes the same meeting.]
1155 [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: S/ Defence (Michael Heseltine).]
1200 Chief Whip [John Wakeham]
1215 Chief Whip [John Wakeham], Lord President [Willie Whitelaw], Lord Privy Seal [John Biffen] and Chairman [John Gummer]
[Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: Keep free.]
1440 Left No.10 for Heathrow
1540 Left Heathrow for Delhi [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: for CHOGM.] [see THCR 2/6/3/53 part 1 f90 for full list of
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