Wednesday 19 October 1983
[Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: DT away.]
0915-1030 Mr. Williamson, Mr. Hannay, Sir M. Butler [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: (EC Negotiations).]
1030 Regional Tours for 1984 [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: [MA (Michael Alison), SS (Stephen Sherbourne), TF (Tim Flesher),
DB (David Barclay), TG (Tessa Gaisman)].]
1100 David Young [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: general chat.]
1130 Keep free
1200 Chief Whip [John Wakeham]
1300 Lunch with Economist + Mr. Ingham
1500 Meeting of Ministers re maintaining the strength of the Science Base [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: [S of S DES (Sir Keith
Joseph), +Ch/ Ex (Nigel Lawson), S/ MOD (Michael Heseltine), K. Baker, CST (Peter Rees), RTA (Sir Robert Armstrong), FM (Ferdie Mount), Dr. Nicholson].]
1600 Briefing meeting for French bilateral
1700 Foreign Secretary [Sir Geoffrey Howe]
1730 Chancellor of the Exchequer [Nigel Lawson]
1830-2000 Reception for Red Cross [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: (DT away) (Princess Alexandra & Mr. Ogilvy arrive at 1850).]
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