Thursday 13 October 1983
[Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: PM’s birthday.]
[Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: Party Conference.]
0930 Health Debate (Mr. Fowler)
1030 Work on speech
1230 Women's Lunch [Conservative Women’s National Committee] [+DT, Miss Emma Nicholson, Mrs. Joan Seccombe, JP, Mrs. Angela Clarke, OBE, Mrs. Susan Hill,
Cllr. Mrs. Wendy Mitchell, Mrs. Ann Rippon, Mrs. Nora Smith, Mrs. Pam Smith, JP, Mrs. Frances Stanton, Mrs. Mary Potts, Mrs. Jane Collier, Mrs. Margaret
Slade, Mrs. Jean Johnston, Mrs. Eve Falkner, Mrs. Dorothy Sutton, Mrs. Heather Waterston, Miss Margaret Palmer] [THCR 2/9/19 f103]
1430 Free Enterprise Debate (Mr. Parkinson)
1530 Presentation by Mrs. Sheff and colleague on behalf of Soviet Jewry
1600 Work on speech
2000 Working dinner
2200 Look in at Conference Ball
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