Thursday 6 October 1983
0800 Hair
0840 Chancellor [Nigel Lawson]
0920 Depart
0930-1030 Visit to Sainsbury's Nine Elms Store [see THCR 6-2-2-71 f146 for notes on Sainsbury’s ‘top people’: Sir John D. Sainsbury (Chairman and Director), Mr. E.
Roy Griffiths (Deputy Chairman and Managing Director), and Mr. Nigel F. Matthews (Company Secretary).]
1045 S/S Education and Science [Sir Keith Joseph]
1100 Cabinet [Viscount Whitelaw, Lord Hailsham, Sir Geoffrey Howe, Leon Brittan, Nigel Lawson, Sir Keith Joseph, Jim Prior, Peter Walker, Michael Heseltine,
George Younger, Nicholas Edwards, Patrick Jenkin, John Biffen, Norman Fowler, Norman Tebbit, Cecil Parkinson, Lord Cockfield, Tom King, Michael Jopling,
Peter Rees, John Wakeham]
1200 Talks
1300 Lunch for First Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq
1500 E(A)
1600 Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary [Sir Geoffrey Howe], Sir E. Youde, Sir A. Acland, Sir P. Cradock [Material from handwritten original of the 1983
appointment diary: Chancellor (Nigel Lawson).]
Afterwards Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary [Sir Geoffrey Howe]
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