Wednesday 5 October 1983
0900 Sir Rod Carnegie
0930 Possible keep free for John Coles
1000 Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster [Lord Cockfield]
1040 Photograph with Mrs. Horstman
1045-1130 Meeting of Ministers re credit for Iraq [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: FCS (Sir Geoffrey Howe), Chancellor (Nigel
Lawson), S/ TI (Cecil Parkinson), ?Mr. Channon.]
1130 Depart
1200 Unveil plaque for Royal Green Jackets in Regents Park
1300 Lunch with Royal Green Jackets - 56 Davies Street, W1
1500 Alistair McAlpine
1545 Presentation by CBI on pay: Sir Campbell Fraser and Sir Terence Beckett
1630-1800 Meeting of Ministers [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: [no subject in diary] [FCS (Sir Geoffrey Howe), S/ Defence
(Michael Heseltine), Mr. Luce, Chancellor (Nigel Lawson), Sir P. Cradock, Sir A. Acland, Mr. Donald, RTA (Sir Robert Armstrong), Sir. A. Parsons] [attendance
only in PM’s diary].]
1800 [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: Chancellor (Nigel Lawson).]
1800 Lord President [Willie Whitelaw], Chief Whip [John Wakeham], S/S DTI [Cecil Parkinson]
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