Wednesday 21 September 1983
0730 Left Flagstaff House for RAF Wildenrath
0755 Left Wildenrath
0840 Arrived RAF Gutersloh
Left by Puma for Eberhard
0900 Arrived Eberhard
Met RAF Gutersloh Station executive officers
0905 Briefing on Harrier
0930 Briefing on 4 aircraft attack mission scenario
0940 Visited GLO/Authorising cabin
Listened to telebrief
0955 Watched 4 aircraft strip take-off
1005 Watched Operational Turn Round
1020 Watched 4 aircraft recovery plus Chinook
1030 Met aircrews
1040 Departed Eberhard for HQ 22 Armd. Bde., Hohne
1120 Arrived HQ 22
1125 Visited Montgomery Service Children's School
1205 Departed for Munster South NATO Training Area
1215 Arrived
1220 Watched firing of M109s, Abbots
Met gun crews
1245 Lunch
1330 Press Conference
1400 Departed for Soltau/Luneburg Training Area
1415 Arrived
Visited HQ20 Armed Bde.
1435 Moved to exercise location
1440 Watched and followed attack by 4/7 DG Battlegroup
1600 Tea with 4/7 DG Battlegroup at GR ND 573858
1615 Left for GAF Fassberg
1630 Arrived
1635 Departed by VC10 for Bonn
1730 Arrived Cologne Airport
1800 Arrived Residence
1815 Drinks
1845 Left Residence
1900 Talks and dinner with Chancellor Kohl at Kanzleramt
2130 Left for Airport
2200 Left by VC10 for Heathrow
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