Friday 16 September 1983
0815 Dentist
0930 Prime Minister Craxi of Italy at No.10
1130-mid afternoon Meeting of Ministers including buffet lunch [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: [re Health and Social Security
expenditure] Chancellor (Nigel Lawson), S/ Social Services (Norman Fowler), CST (Peter Rees), Mr. K. Clarke, Dr. B[illegible], RTA (Sir Robert Armstrong),
Sir K. Stowe, Mr. Middleton, Mr. Watson, Mr. Partridge, Sir A. Walters, Mr. Mount.]
1600-1700 [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: Keep free.]
1700-1900 Interviews for Netherlands/Germany visit - No.10
1945 Lady Price - 6 Boscombe Road [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: Please do not type up except in PM’s diary, etc. All arranged
by Joy – told detectives + drivers MCS (Michael Scholar) 14/9.]
Afterwards To Chequers
2300 Arrived Chequers
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